Mia Tirado
ART 051
Prof. John Fender
Project 02 Words
This project overall was straightforward, but tedious due to the specific letter spaces unique to each letter and letterform.  The first type of letter form I did the spaces for was the ITC Franklin Gothic San Serif font. For this font, the word I found most difficult to space was actually my own name. In my name, I found the “rad” difficult to space. I also found “gr” tricky to space, as well as the letters that had “minimal” spacing. The construction of this typeface was easier to space because there were no serifs.  It was easy to eyeball the spaces correctly.  For sans serif, I found Tracy’s technique to help a little. While I employed Tracy’s techniques for all of my words, I found it easier to eyeball my words.  Although, for certain words like “Egyptian” the technique did help a lot.

For my Serif Font, I had Bembo Std.  I did not find Tracy’s technique to be particularly helpful for this typeface.  The spacing for a lot of the words seemed uneven, and I felt that using my own best judgment was a better option.  Despite this, I still tested the method on all the words, because  figure that the method might work for some words rather than others. For example, I felt that the method worked much better for words that were all caps, rather than lowercase. The words for Bembo were a lot more difficult to space due to the serifs and the other unique characteristics of the font. I often found myself measuring between each serif, rather than the stems of each letter. The letter pairing I found most difficult to space was the “ra” because they visually have a very close space already, and it was not easy to prevent from overspacing.


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